To be successful, all you have to do

is improve every day and never quit.

Getting Started

There is so much to know when it comes to athletic performance that it can all get a little overwhelming if youn. Usually when people reach out to me for coaching support, the first thing they ask is what sort of training they should do. While training is a key component of athletic development, overall Athletic Performance is composed of a multitude of components that all must be optimized and balanced together in order to achieve the highest possible output. The first thing I do when I start with an athlete is ask questions to get a sense of what their overall goals are. Then I begin an evaluation process to get a sense of what their strengths and weaknesses are and what their overall base of knowledge is relating to sports performance. For example, what do they know about nutrition, what is their understanding of training principles of overload and recovery, what do they know about equipment choices and how they impact performance. Once I have an idea of where an athlete is at I can give them feedback on what is involved in achieving their goals.